Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Men Hurt Too

When you think about domestic violence, who do you first imagine as victims?

More so than not, we assume that domestic violence is a crime against women. We imagine helpless, battered women who suffer abuse from their spouses or partners. While it may be more common for women to be the victims of domestic violence, it does not take away from the pain suffered by many men who are victims of domestic violence.

Victims of domestic violence have to deal with adverse effects that abuse causes, no matter the gender.

There is a website dedicated to covering the issue of battered men. The site is called: MenWeb. On this website, there is loads of information regarding battered men. When you click the link, one of the first things you see on the top center of the page is:

Battered Men - The Hidden Side of Domestic Violence
835,000 men battered each year, silent too long …

One victim is too many so 835, 000 is painful to see. It's great to see that there is support, resources and help available to our male victims also. On MenWeb, you will find facts about domestic violence against men, survivor stories, coping skills, help, other resources and so much more. If you are a male victim of domestic violence or know of anyone who is, you NEED to seek help. This site will offer you (or loved one) the support, resources and help that you or your loved one will need to overcome this. 

It is always easier said than done, and I imagine that some men may have an even harder time admitting that they are victims of domestic violence because of certain stereotypes that society places on us all. If you or your loved one feels that way, then visiting this site and reading the stories of people in similar situation may help you or your loved one understand that they are not alone and this is in fact a lot more common than we realize… and that there IS help available. 

For more information, visit MenWeb's site, here is the link:


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