Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Spotting Teenage Domestic Abuse"

Since I've talked about how much more common it is than expected for teenagers to be involved in abusive relationships, it seemed appropriate to post some warning signs to look out for if you suspect your teen is in an abusive relationship.

Here are some signs to keep an eye out for:

  • Withdrawal
  • Social isolation
  • Alcohol or Drug use 
  • Signs/symptoms of depression
  • Not doing well in school
  • Change in usual routine 
  • Behaving differently
These are a few red flags and may require more investigating to determine if it is, in fact, due to an abusive relationship. Keep the communication lines open with your teenager. Talk to them about what a healthy relationship is like and what an abusive relationship is like. If you suspect or know that your teen is in an abusive relationship, be the parent. If you are unsure of what to do, seek professional help. Look at the other posts in this blog for contact information and hotlines to help with this. 

These warning signs were found on: 

Click the link to get more information on "Spotting the Signs of Teen Dating Abuse"

Domestic Violence: Teens & College Students

  • The highest rate of domestic violence occurs in women between the ages of 16-24 
  • 30% of college students in college have been in physically aggressive relationships and more than that have been in emotionally abusive relationships. 
  • 25 % of high school students have been or are in abusive relationships.
Domestic violence is a dilemma even among high school and college students, and the statistics are alarming. We may assume that domestic violence primarily exists in marriages, but it very much exists in the world of young adult and teenage dating. 

If you are a parent and suspect that your child is a victim of teenage domestic violence, or that your child is an abuser then help to end the violence. Get your teen the help they need. Talking to a teenager can be difficult sometimes. Please click the link for some tips on how to deal with your teen and domestic abuse: 

Help end the cycle. 


Thursday, March 8, 2012

Social Networking; Raising Awareness

In the last post, I mentioned the power of social networking. It reaches masses in a short time. Raising awareness and education are powerful tools in any goal. Our goal is to raise awareness, educate people and help STOP domestic abuse. 

So, to reach masses we created accounts on social networking sites to keep people informed about domestic abuse and how to help be involved and stop it. 

If you or your loved ones are victims of domestic abuse and you are looking for a network of support then "Like" us on Facebook and Follow us on twitter. 

Join the community, be involved, spread the word, and help stop domestic abuse. 

You are NOT alone.

There are times in our lives when we are suffering, struggling and feel as though no one in the world could possibly understand what we are going through. I'm here to tell you, you are never alone. In a world where Facebook and Twitter are the most popular forms of communication, it is easy to feel alone in the world. That feeling may be heightened when you are a victim of something as serious as domestic violence.

A lot of victims of domestic violence deal with abusive partners who isolate them from family and friends so they can keep control over their victims and manipulate them into believing no one else cares about their well-being or existence.

Whether communicating online is the only way that you feel people communicate these-days, is the only access you have to the outside world because of an abusive partner, or any other reason it's important to know there are others who have been where you are. They understand and have experienced everything that you are feeling right now. And they've changed their circumstances and lived to tell their stories to help others, like you.

Broken To Beautiful is a website that has survival stories from victims of domestic abuse. The quote on the home page reads: "A Virtual Oasis for Women Ascending out of Abuse."

If you are a victim of domestic abuse and feel like you're alone in the world, read the stories on this site and please seek help. You are not alone. You are entitled to respect and healthy love.

Here is the link:

Also, this warning message is on the website and I want to share it with you here before you proceed to the website from your personal computer. For your safety, please read this before proceeding. The message reads: 

  • Dear Sisters... Computer use can be monitored and is impossible to completely clear.
  • If you are afraid your internet and/or computer usage might be monitored, please use a safer computer such as a library or school computer, call your local hotline, and/or call the National Domestic Violence Hotline at:
  • 1-800-799-SAFE (7233) or TTY 1-800-787-3224.
  • We want you to be SAFE!

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Stop Domestic Violence by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Creative Commons License
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