Monday, May 7, 2012

Join The Campaign Against Domestic Violence

Monday, April 30, 2012


I've always been a supporter of UNICEF because they bring awareness to all sorts of social causes that are hardships for so many people and they raise funds for these causes. I understand that there is an argument that organizations like this raise money and don't give a majority of the proceeds to the cause but instead get rich from it. I'm in no position to argue whether that is true or not but what I appreciate is that despite the rumors, UNICEF does in fact give funds to many causes and they undoubtedly raise awareness and bring attention to problems that may otherwise be ignored. 

With that being said, they have an online booklet that breaks down domestic violence against women & girls that I find to be insightful. It is disturbing to realize how much domestic violence there is and to the extent that it is, but it is something we need to know exists if we intend to stop it. There were some quotes I pulled from the booklet that were profound and that resonate deeply. They are:

"Women and children are often in great danger in the place where they should be safest: within their families."

"Femicide – murder of women by their batterers"

"There is no one single factor to account for violence perpetrated against women."

This is something I believe we all should be aware of and inspired by to help end domestic violence and domestic abuse. I encourage everyone to read this. Being aware is the first step to ending domestic violence. 

Be aware. Be involved. Be the change. 


Domestic Violence Across The Globe

Domestic abuse and domestic violence is a worldwide dilemma, not just local. This is an epidemic across the globe. After doing some research, I found some facts that were disheartening. Still, I want to share them in hopes that bringing awareness to this issue will help end domestic abuse & domestic violence. 

Here are some facts: 

At least 60 million girls who would otherwise be expected to be alive are "missing" from various populations, mostly in Asia, as a result of sex-selective abortions, infanticide or neglect. (UN Study On The Status of Women, Year 2000)
Globally, at least one in three women and girls is beaten or sexually abused in her lifetime. (UN Commission on the Status of Women, 2/28/00)

A recent survey by the Kenyan Women Rights Awareness Program revealed that 70% of those interviewed said they knew neighbors who beat their wives. Nearly 60% said women were to blame for the beatings. Just 51% said the men should be punished. (The New York Times, 10/31/97)

4 million women and girls are trafficked annually. (United Nations)

An estimated one million children, mostly girls, enter the sex trade each year (UNICEF)

* A 2005 World Health Organization study reported that nearly one third of Ethiopian women had been physically forced by a partner to have sex against their will within the 12 months prior to the study. (WHO Multi-country Study on Women's Health and Domestic Violence Against Women, 2005)

In a study of 475 people in prostitution from five countries (South Africa, Thailand, Turkey, USA, and Zambia):
62% reported having been raped in prostitution.
73% reported having experienced physical assault in prostitution.
92% stated that they wanted to escape prostitution immediately.
(Melissa Farley, Isin Baral, Merab Kiremire, Ufuk Sezgin, "Prostitution in Five Countries: Violence and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder" (1998) Feminism & Psychology 8 (4): 405-426)
The most common act of violence against women is being slapped—an experience reported by 9% of women in Japan and 52% in provincial Peru. Rates of sexual abuse also varies greatly around the world—with partner rape being reported by 6% of women from Serbia and Montenegro, 46% of women from provincial Bangladesh, and 59% of women in Ethiopia. (WHO Multi-country Study on Women’s Health and Domestic Violence Against Women, 2005)
So-called "honour killings" take the lives of thousands of young women every year, mainly in North Africa, Western Asia and parts of South Asia. (UNFPA)The Human Rights Commission of Pakistan reported that 2002 saw a 25% increase in “honor killings” of women, with 461 women murdered by family members in 2002, in 2 provinces (Sindh and Punjab) alone.(Pakistan Human Rights Commission, 2002)
More than 90 million African women and girls are victims of female circumcision or other forms of genital mutilation. (Heise: 1994)
In eastern and souther Africa, 17 to 22% of girls aged 15 to 19 are HIV-positive, compared to 3 to 7% of boys of similar age. This pattern—seen in many other regions of the world—is evidence that girls are being infected with HIV by a much older cohort of men. (UNICEF/UNAIDS 2007)
A 2005 study reported that 7% of partnered Canadian women experienced violence at the hands of a spouse between 1999 and 2004. Of these battered women, nearly one-quarter (23%) reported being beaten, choked, or threatened with a knife or gun. (Family Violence in Canada: A Statistical Profile, 2005)
In Zimbabwe, domestic violence accounts for more than 60% of murder cases that go through the high court in Harare. (ZWRCN)
a study in Zaria, Nigeria found that 16 percent of hospital patients treated for sexually transmitted infections were younger than 5. (UNFPA)

For the original article and the rest of this chart, click here.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Love & Light

Love does not hurt, love heals

Anyone who is or has been a victim of an abusive relationship WILL deal with difficulties moving on, healing, and getting past the effects and experiences of that relationship. This is a journey that must proceed and there is light at the end of the tunnel, just keep walking. 

There will be days when you feel alone and you feel like no one can understand or relate to you and your experiences, but just remember that you are NOT alone. There are many people who are or have been in your same situation and they have gotten through and past it. Your journey is unique to you and your growth, but it is not one you have to walk or feel alone in. 

Remember to look at this as a testimony to your strength, an obstacle overcome, a life lesson, and a reason to give back, reach back and help others who may still be stuck in the dark. Love is the answer and love will get you through this journey, self love. Learn it. Embrace it. Live it. Give it. 

Love & Light.  

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Vice President Joe Biden pushing for domestic violence law

In today's news, I found an article focusing on Vice President Joe Biden's support of the reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act which some conservatives are fighting against. 

According to, 

"Biden will be joined Wednesday by Attorney General Eric Holder, Senior Advisor Valerie Jarrett, White House Advisor on Violence Against Women Lynn Rosenthal and Sharon Love, mother of Yeardley Love and founder of the One Love Foundation, to talk about the need to reauthorize the law."

I applaude Biden for taking a stand on such a touchy subject and supporting the Violence Against Women Act which will create for domestic abuse programs for victims of domestic violence. The one thing I do feel that needs to change is the gender specification of the law. Though a majority of the time women are the targets of domestic abuse,  there are still a significant amount of men who are victims and who should have equal access to such programs and assistance. 

I'm interested to know your thoughts and opinions on this? 

To read the full article, click here: 

I'll continue to follow this story to see what the outcome is. 

Thursday, March 22, 2012

"Spotting Teenage Domestic Abuse"

Since I've talked about how much more common it is than expected for teenagers to be involved in abusive relationships, it seemed appropriate to post some warning signs to look out for if you suspect your teen is in an abusive relationship.

Here are some signs to keep an eye out for:

  • Withdrawal
  • Social isolation
  • Alcohol or Drug use 
  • Signs/symptoms of depression
  • Not doing well in school
  • Change in usual routine 
  • Behaving differently
These are a few red flags and may require more investigating to determine if it is, in fact, due to an abusive relationship. Keep the communication lines open with your teenager. Talk to them about what a healthy relationship is like and what an abusive relationship is like. If you suspect or know that your teen is in an abusive relationship, be the parent. If you are unsure of what to do, seek professional help. Look at the other posts in this blog for contact information and hotlines to help with this. 

These warning signs were found on: 

Click the link to get more information on "Spotting the Signs of Teen Dating Abuse"

Domestic Violence: Teens & College Students

  • The highest rate of domestic violence occurs in women between the ages of 16-24 
  • 30% of college students in college have been in physically aggressive relationships and more than that have been in emotionally abusive relationships. 
  • 25 % of high school students have been or are in abusive relationships.
Domestic violence is a dilemma even among high school and college students, and the statistics are alarming. We may assume that domestic violence primarily exists in marriages, but it very much exists in the world of young adult and teenage dating. 

If you are a parent and suspect that your child is a victim of teenage domestic violence, or that your child is an abuser then help to end the violence. Get your teen the help they need. Talking to a teenager can be difficult sometimes. Please click the link for some tips on how to deal with your teen and domestic abuse: 

Help end the cycle. 


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Stop Domestic Violence by is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 United States License. Creative Commons License
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